Of all the departments and functions in a corporate organization, Human Resource is the one function related to employees’ personal aspects. The entire employee job cycle is taken care of by the Human Resources (HR), ranging from hiring, compensation, leave management, employee satisfaction, development, and growth till exit. This function requires personal involvement and conscience that may vary from person to person.
Another rather unique aspect of an organization – technology is the practical and scientific application of various aspects such as skills, processes, methods, and organization techniques. It does not concern any personalized features and derives the same result irrespective of who, where, or when someone brings it into the organizational process.
But what if these two aspects are related?
The challenges related to HR, like Employee Engagement, Employee Retention, development of the leaders, competitive compensation, global outreach of businesses, and various other factors have stimulated extensive innovation in the HR field. For instance, more than 92% of the recruiters have turned their trust into Social Media hiring in the recent decade rather than organic hiring methods. More than 3% recruiters use “Snapchat” as a recruiting channel, moving beyond LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Below are some of such instances that bring HR and Technology together.
HR and Virtual Reality
COVID-19 has undoubtedly helped change the mindset of protagonists across the Corporate industry, especially in India. Holding appraisal meetings, taking interviews, onboarding, and even celebrations as part of work today takes place over video calls. Technology and Virtual Reality help HR with talent management, training, onboarding, and inductions, hiring, etc. as the new normal.
HR and Machine Learning Machine Learning (ML) uses algorithms for automated data analysis to create automated analytical models. HR deals with massive data sets from Recruitment and the Employee Database. ML technology helps HR improve the efficiency of initial research with dedicated hours to acquiring next-level results. So far, in Human Resources, machine learning
applications are confined mainly to the Recruitment process. However, it will be exciting to oversee the advancements in this field.
HR and Could Computing Cloud Computing ensures using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet instead of a personal computer or a local server. It helps data processing by storing and managing valuable information over the cloud, enabling the HR department to push its expertise into the middle and higher-level leadership, resulting in efficient business performance and execution. When the data on performance, attendance, track of time, etc. gets automated, the focus can be shifted to increasing productivity, transforming the HR department from being a cost center to generating revenues.
The mentioned instances are only some broad spectrum of Technology inter-dependencies in the HR department. The ever-changing and fast-paced technological advances are only making HR strive towards innovation that ultimately makes it even more indulged with technology.
Significantly, the global pandemic has altered stigmas helping people become adaptive. Several theories believe that remote working can continue as the “new normal” once we overcome this pandemic.
It can make the who’s who of the Corporate world, refine the entire workplace experience with HR as the bridge that connects extremes in an organization, exposing and expanding them with the latest technological developments.
It will be interesting to see how the Corporates fit into this new reality.